Show us your new smile!
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, healthy “baby” teeth help children speak clearly, chew naturally and aid in forming a path for permanent teeth to follow.
To ensure all children start out in the right direction we offer a Complimentary Exam* to ALL children under the age of 2 years old.
This free exam includes: preventative cleaning along with hygiene education. Proper care and understanding of an infants mouth. Use of fluoride and toothpaste; how to brush and floss. The effects of oral habits, including finger and thumb sucking. Prevention of accidents that could damage the face and teeth. Teething and milestone of dental developement. And understanding of the link between diet and oral health.
*one free cleaning and exam per child, additional charge for x-rays or others services, all right reserved

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Frequently Asked Questions about our new smile exam
What can be done about a cut or bitten tongue, lip, or cheek?

Is the dental sealant procedure going to hurt my kids?